Help Section

  • 1. Before you request help/support, we highly suggest you join our Discord server, this is where we help alot of you guys with all your problems with games/movies. You can join our Discord Here!

  • 2. Make sure when asking for help/support that you explain the issue you are having thoroughly, we will try help you and reply to your request as fast as possible!

This is a common issue our users get, but don’t worry, its a simple fix! Simply go into the downloaded folder and check for a folder named either “CODEX” “Crack” “PLAZA, go into that folder and copy all the files inside of it, now paste those files inside of the games main folder, (Where the game files are installed) If it asks to replace files click replace. Now you can run your game and it should have fixed the issue!

If you run the game and you receive an error that looks like “The program cant start because d3dx9_43.dll is missing”, this just means that you have to Install/Update Microsofts DirextX, download DirectX Here!

If you try to save your game with all your progress you made and it doesn’t save it is due to the fact that you did not run the game as Administrator, we advise that you run every game as Administrator.